General info

Name of Zoo: Zoological Garden Zagreb
Name of respondent: Andrea Bračko; Ema Stanić
E-mail address of respondent:;
Name of Exhibit: Vulture aviary
Opening Date/Year: 1999


Height in m: 12 m ( 9 m for birds)
Area in m2: 270 m2
Volume in m3: 3240


Shape sides: rectangular, tillted
Shape of top: domed


1) placement main support structures: external
2) materials main support: metal, diamond mesh syn chain link
3) special supports/protection for:
(a) interface net/mesh and main support:
(b) protection from main supports rotting in ground:
4) secondary supporting structures: cables and beams
5) lowering or removal of top when snow or severe winds expected possible: no
6) constructor:

Material sides
1) solid (rock, brick wood etc): 0
2) glass: 0
3) piano wire: 0
4) netting/mesh: 4
a) material: galvanized wire (galvanized after welding)
b) name manufacturer:
c) supplier:
d) product name:
e) opening size: 100 x 100 mm
f) diameter: 2,5 mm
g) color:
h) configuration: chain link
i) how is netting/meshing attached to aviary structure?
j) visibility through net/mesh: satisfactory
k) water resistance: satisfactory
l) UV resistance: satisfactory

  Material top
1) Same as sides: yes


Visitor viewing

Walk through / walk in: No , please specify number of sides for visitor viewing: 2
Barriers between public and birds: vegetation, and netting/mesh
Other special features to enhance viewing possibilities: planned visitor hut

Entrances and exits


i. double doors with area between: No
ii. through attached building: No
iii: please describe how you bring in large enclosure furnishings that are too large to be brought through the doors:


Water area

% surface area water (versus land): 3% (cca 9m2) 
Frequency of drainage and cleaning: Once a week 
Type of water: Still
Filtration system: No
Depth in cm:

i. minimum: 10 cm
ii. maximum: 20 cm
iii. % surface area < 20 cm: 90%


Sand: 2%
Grass: 88%
Dirt: 5%
Rocks: 5%
Visitor path: 0
Other: 0


Grass/other herbacious plants < 20 cm high cover: 
Herbacious plants/shrubs 20 cm- 1m high cover:  10%
Herbacious plants/shrubs/trees 1 m-3 m high cover: 20%
Number of coniferous trees > 3 m high:
Number of deciduous trees > 3 m high: 
Are there any plants you would recommend for aviaries?: 
Are there any plants that have been problematic in this aviary?:

Predator protection

Electric fence inside: No
Electric fence outside: No
Different type meshing along bottom: No
Plastic along perimeter: No
Concrete under ground: No
Other (specify):

Suplemental lightning

Supplemental lighting outside: No

Permanent introduction/catching area present

Introduction and/or catching area present: No


Species currently held (if possible also historically) list: Gyps fulvus 2.2., Haliaetus albicilla 1.1.
Species not held successfully: Corvus corax
Reason per species (please list species below)
i. escape:
ii. incompatibility:
iii. health issues:
iv. stress:
v. accidents (e.g. collisions):
vi. other: Disturbing of vultures


Problems with:
Indigenous bird species entering enclosure: Yes
Predation in enclosures: No
Aviary withstanding winds experienced:
Aviary withstanding snow experienced: 
Excessive mortality and or accidents with one or more species:
Other health issues, e.g. foot lesions:
Frequent replacement or repair of materials: 
Husbandry issues e.g. cleaning, heating, moving birds:


Visitor: No
Keeper: No

Enclosure data submission

Contact person:;;
Data submitted: 12.3.2019.